
Topic: What PS4 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@Gremio108 Dont feel bad if they sold your game! Thats crazy. They owe you!

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


Playing through Dragons dogma and loving it. The climbing mechanic is such a great idea to add to an rpg.



@KratosMD I've been playing through Arkham Knight as well. I'm enjoying it, though I can see why people have some issues with it. My main issue with the Batmobile is it's control. The button layout for it is weird, and muscle memory from multiple racing games bites me alot while controlling it, at least as a car, anyway. I haven't had any issue with the drone battles yet.

And yes, there's a ton of DLC. I've only gotten whatever's free and thanks to some luck, the Harley Quinn pack, since the coupon was unused.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


@KratosMD @DerMeister I think when I played Arkham Knight, it got the Assassins Creed Black Flag treatment from me — meaning I had a bit of fatigue from all the previous series entries leading up to it so even though I think it’s a good game, I couldn’t enjoy it which led me to abandon it just a few hours in. I bet if I try it again, then I’d like it more now. I still have my copy.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Rudy_Manchego wrote:

Got myself stuck into The Witcher 3 - this is going to be on my New Years list to finish this year. Only a few hours in so hard to tell. I have started the game in Death March difficulty which may be a mistake as combat seems pretty challenging but I guess it is teaching me the ropes. Anyone got any advice?

Oh man, I'm so jealous i wish i could start that game afresh again! On of my faves this gen. Think i must have racked up 200+ hours. And that is without starting the expansions. 😲

Tips: don't be afraid to knock down the difficulty. Unless your are going for the trophy. Make sure you have the right sword equipped. Steel Weapons are used for fighting humans, elves, and most creatures that are not considered to be monsters. Silver Swords on the other hand are almost exclusively used upon Creatures that are considered to be Monsters.

Make sure you use the right potions and oils for the fight ahead. Make sure you dibthis before starting combat.

There is also some tips from this very site!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


So I checked and there’s not a dedicated Gravity Rush 2 thread to rant on, but I don’t think it really warrants a new thread just to say .... I’ve been playing GR2 most of the day today and I am so annoyed at the servers being shut down in 2 weeks. First off, it’s just plain lame for Sony to do it when the game is less than a year old. (Yes, I understand the game didn’t sell well, but it still irks me) Secondly, I had heard the online stuff was not that big of a deal and wouldn’t be missed. And I guess I can kind of agree, but the online functions are actually a bigger part of the game than I was expecting. There is a fair amount of focus put on it and the challenges and treasure hunts are actually pretty fun. The rewards for the Dusty tokens are actually fun as well. So now, thirdly, this whole server time-limit thing has completely changed how I’m approaching the game. I’m rushing through sections, skipping side quests, just so I can advance the game to sections where I can earn more online Dusty points before they go away. I’m not sure it is making me enjoy it less, but it just gripes me that I can’t take my time and soak in all these huge areas and crazy side missions and conversations. I feel like I’m missing things as I rush through. (Haha, no pun intended)
I know, I know, ... it’s my fault for waiting this long to play it, but it still makes me grumpy about this whole thing.
Okay. Rant over.
Great game, btw.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution That's a shame about Gravity Rush 2 as i really enjoyed the demo. Heard about the servers closing down but didn't realise it affected the game so much.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Well, I probably was drifting into a little bit of over-reaction there. I posted that comment after several hours of playing and my frustration was a little amplified. The game is perfectly functional without the online activities. I wouldn’t necessarily let that deter you from getting the game if you were considering it. It is foremost a single player open world fantasy/action game with mild rpg type character ability leveling mechanics. There is a ton of content, main story and side quests. I’m only about 6 hrs in, but the world is enormous so far. Amazing verticality to the maps. The online part is sharing challenges with other players to beat your time or defeated enemy count in certain missions, sharing and rating each other’s photos, and going on treasure hunts through these large maps where you try to find a treasure box within a certain time frame with the help of clues another player sends you online in the form of a photo. It’s kind of like that non-synchronous online play that has been popular with the Souls games and like what was done in NieR, Persona 4&5, etc. The game doesn’t need the online but it is icing on the cake.
I guess if there never was an online part to the game in the first place I’d be fine with the game the way it is. It’s just that they obviously put quite a bit of thought and effort into developing that component, and it works out well, so it is a shame they just decided to chuck it so quick. Imagine Dark Souls without the online sharing part or NieR without the players corpses you can reanimate if you want — the games perfectly fine without them, but you miss part of the charm of the game. Of course this is still just my early impressions as the game is evidently about a 40-50 hr game.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Been playing Dragons Dogma and Stardew Valley recently. Stardew is pretty chill, nice game to relax and chill out with, has a nice rythem of slowing working towards your goals. Dogma is a really cool game that still has its ps3 graphics unfortunately but the combat and monsters are really cool. Quests aren’t that imaginative yet but the pawn system is absolutely brilliant and I’m really surprised more rpgs with parties haven’t copied it yet


PSN: Duke-of-Styria


@Th3solution Ah OK, cheers nice one. Will probs pick it up at some point then. Not sure when that will be, really do need to clear some of my backlog before picking anything new up.

Finished Zelda on the Switch last week and I'm a bit lost on what to play next. I've got PES 2018 on the go too but that's always my kinda on the side game. I usually try to play something totally different to what I've just played so I might finish off Doom on the PS4.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Hego wrote:

Been playing Dragons Dogma and Stardew Valley recently. Stardew is pretty chill, nice game to relax and chill out with, has a nice rythem of slowing working towards your goals. Dogma is a really cool game that still has its ps3 graphics unfortunately but the combat and monsters are really cool. Quests aren’t that imaginative yet but the pawn system is absolutely brilliant and I’m really surprised more rpgs with parties haven’t copied it yet

Yeah, the pawn system is awesome. I would love for the next Elder Scrolls to use a version of it.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


Had a blast playing River City Melee with the guys from work last night. Being a fan of the Kunio-kun series I figured I would enjoy this game but not as much as I did. Basically it's like Kunio-kun's take on games like Smash Bros but without the platforming parts. If you are a fan of the Kunio-kun series or looking for a party type game I highly suggest this game. Also if you are a trophy hunter this game has some easy trophies. It's also a bargain at $25.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


@KratosMD I really liked Arkham Knight. It felt like a much more involved and interesting experience than the mediocre Arkham City. Good plot; the Joker bits were amazing; the Batmobile is insanely fun to use; it's arguably the best game in the series (while I generally prefer Asylum, I thought the final boss fight in that game was horrendous).

But I've come to terms with the fact that I'm basically alone on this.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Fields of Mistria (PC); Cookie Clicker (PC); Metaphor: ReFantazio demo (PC)

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


@KratosMD I think a lot of it hinges on how you feel about the Batmobile. I quite liked its implementation in this game, but a lot of people didn't care to use it and felt like it was dragging down the experience.

Currently Playing: Fields of Mistria (PC); Cookie Clicker (PC); Metaphor: ReFantazio demo (PC)

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


My wife has become addicted to Killing Floor 2 and she hardly ever plays games. I have been running some GTA V and Life is Strange.

I play Killing Floor 2 on PC, where I play most of my games, and can tell anyone I highly advise it. It's good, almost mindless fun. - Dayman
Steam - RancidVomit86
PSN - RancidVomit86

Where my friends and I usually get stupid: - Come by hang and visit our Discord. The link for Discord is on the Twitch page.

Let's Go Buffalo!


Exciting News!!! 😃
So this is a follow up to my rant a couple days ago. In summary I’ve been playing Gravity Rush 2 lately and I’ve been enjoying it quite a bit. But I was really upset about the servers shutting down this month. With the servers set to shut down next week, Jan 18th, I have been cramming all my time in the game doing Dusty Token farming online to try to get enough tokens to get all the extras before the service goes away. Well, this just in .... they have extended the server conclusion date to July 18th! So happy about this. This means those who want to play have 6 months to play and experience the full game including the online features. If anyone was considering getting the game but hasn’t because of the termination of support, you may want to reconsider. It appears Sony has heard our complaints and is giving us a little added time with the online features.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Yesterday I finally made myself finish TT GoT. It had been in my backlog since I got it from PS Plus last summer.

PSN: YeYa_3


I thought that game was severely underrated. What’d you think of it? @YeYa

"Flame, dear, flame."

PSN: GrzzlyWzrd


Just started Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut. I first played it 5 years ago on 3DS, so it'll be nice to revisit it.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Fields of Mistria (PC); Cookie Clicker (PC); Metaphor: ReFantazio demo (PC)

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


@Doctor_BK It was alright. I didn't like some lose-lose situations, but it's GoT I hope they will release second season.

PSN: YeYa_3

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