
Topic: Welcome/Introduction Thread

Posts 21 to 40 of 616


Greetings, fellow humans.

I’m Th3solution. I just haven’t found out yet what Th3problem is.
I was raised in a wonderful family, and exposed to video games at an early age. I find it a great way to reduce stress. Much better than exercising.
I came to Push Square rather randomly after trying to find some people online with common interests to chat with and share my passion for video games and nerd culture. ...Yeah, I’m a nerd. What’s it to ya?
I like ice cream, peanut butter, and mint flavored chocolate. I like movies, good books, and sleeping in. I dislike mean people and paying taxes.
Fantasy and Science Fiction are what makes life worthwhile. And art and music is what makes the world go ‘round. And I do enjoy history too. I’m not sure why, but I find it fascinating.
I enjoy spending time on Push Square as I think of it like being in a big room or pub with a bunch of like minded people and we all just shoot the bull about games and life. One big group of friends and acquaintances who have common interests, despite being on opposite ends of the world. My few offline friends never quite share my passion for gaming and geek life.
I try to be kind to everyone. Sometimes I fail, but not often.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Howdy, I'm Quintumply, and I never say howdy in real life.

My real name is Stephen, and I work on this very site! I found Push Square a couple of years ago and joined the team of reviewers, and at the start of this year, was taken on as full-time staff. I'm obviously a massive fan of games, but I also enjoy doing my own creative writing, singing in a choir, and pretending to be an actor with local theatre groups.

I try to take things easy and stay positive


PSN: Quintumply | Twitter:


@Jaz007 i have put it off because i have so many games in my backlog i need to clear first

"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"

"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!


Hi All,

I'm CrippyD and I've been gaming since the late '70s/early '80s starting out on a Pong alike console my dad had and then graduating to a Spectrum 128+ and an Amiga 500 with the expanded RAM. In my teenage years gaming took a backseat until my little brother got into it and had the SNES and N64 with a couple of handhelds mixed in. After that I got a PS1 so I could play Gran Tourismo and had that for a few years until the same little brother showed me Halo on the original Xbox. That put me on the path to the Dark Side and I've been on Xbox since.
I enjoy reading the articles here and interacting with the other members when I have something meaningful to contribute and I came here from sister site Pure Xbox (RIP). I'm sure if I had the time and finances I'd have both consoles but the reality of a family and adulting have put a stop to that.



Hi everybody!

Hmm it's hard to think of things to write about myself. My name is Sam. I hope I'm not a mook but the word has always amused me.

Main hobby is gaming, which I've been doing since I was 7. Nowadays I mostly game on PlayStation platforms, although I still have a soft spot for Nintendo. My favourite franchises are Zelda and Final Fantasy. I love animals and am a vegan. I'm also writing a book!

Black Lives Matter
Trans rights are human rights


Hello, Gremio here (not my birth name).

I joined Push Square early last year, because the staff and forum members alike are good eggs. I am married with two children and I work backstage in a theatre. I have lots of juicy celebrity stories which I can't write here because it would be tantamount to libel, but if you ever meet me in person ask me and I'll tell you. I can say that I once accidentally ate Idina Menzel's lunch.

Apart from gaming, I like walking, writing, reading and football, though not all at the same time. I generally try to look on the bright side (although I'm sure my wife would tell you that I can have my moments), and if the opportunity to make a silly comment comes up, I will take it.

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@Gremio108 That story is awesome - please tell me that when Idina Menzel found out you just told her to 'Let it go'.

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | Twitter:


Alright then, I'm Kyle (as you can probably tell) and I've been round this neck of the woods for 4 years or so.

I'm a property manager and client book keeper in London which I've been doing in various forms for 10 years since I moved here from the north. Basically the middle man between hundreds of tenants and landlords, which is about as fun as it sounds.

Gaming since what, 1991? Started on a Commodore 64, went through Segas 8bit and 16bit machines before moving onto PS1.

This place is the bomb yo.

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@Rudy_Manchego Ha, no - I can't believe I didn't think of that, I've let myself down there. Marti Pellow did once ask me what the weather was like outside, that took incredible restraint.

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@Gremio108 Don't worry, I would have not thought of it or just completely folded into a heap. I have no idea how you had that restraint!

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | Twitter:


hey all new here. been a gamer since as long as i can remember. my current set up is all 3 current systems. I'm currently playing though the Tomb raider series as i wait for shadow of the tomb raider. happy gaming all



@Kidfried ya i joined around April and had issues with my account but i'm back. I havent started Rise yet im on Tomb Raider (2013) next up is Rise before i start shadow hopefully.



Hi, I'm Ryan. I'm a 29 year old guy from California. Grew up with PS1 and PS2 as a child then eventually got a PSP and PS3. I finally bought my own PS4 last year and have been loving the heck out of it.

Other than gaming, I am really into watching animation (anime/cartoons), TV shows, and movies. I also liked to read books, comics, and manga but just don't have the time for them anymore.

Real life wise I work in the ship dock at Amazon's new SMF1 Fulfillment center near the Sacramento International Airport. I help load the trucks with packages etc.

My Anime List | My Video Game Collection

Discord ID: KidRyan89 | Telegram ID: KidRyan

PSN: KidRyan89 | Twitter:


Hi, my name is Jack. Video games are my passion. I play various games on both PC and PS4.
My favorite games are Path from Exile, EVE Online, Uncharted and God of War series



@Shupec Welcome to the club! You’ve come upon the best gaming community online so enjoy your stay!
Also, which Uncharted is your favorite?



It's Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception.
I like this part the most for Cooperation mode, with a friend spent many hours trying to win at least one stage.
Edit: Of course, only on PS3, Sony blocked co-op mode in Uncharted 3 on PS4.

[Edited by Shupec]



Hi, I'm Andrea and I'm so old I started playing videogames in the late '80s. Lately I've been living with depressive anxiety syndrome which almost ruined my working and social life... Videogames and books work better than many medicine so these are my hobbies. I've also published some short stories and I recently won a contest with a Sci-Fi novel inspired by the lovecraftian mythology.
I discovered Pushsquare in 2011 and I'll never leave this beautiful community!

[Edited by andreoni79]

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


Hi everyone, I'm glad to have found this forum, it appears to be a sister site to NintendoLife. I've loved Playstation since the PS2, and I've always one as my main console, and these days, movie player. Glad to be here!

Even the rocks do not recall.


@AdamantiumClaws Welcome to the forum, hope you have fun posting!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@AdamantiumClaws WELCOME!

"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"

"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!

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