
Topic: The TV Show Thread

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I just started watching Supergirl and I have to say I am really enjoying it alot, but I figured I would since it's done by the same team that does Arrow and Flash. I really like the characters of course and the show itself reminds me of Lois and Clark The New Adventures of Superman, where as they take as much time showing us her secret identity almost as if it was another character.

I was also really glad to see that Martian Manhunter was added as a main part of the cast too. I didn't expect that at all!!

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


@tasuki I was suprised how much I enjoyed Supergirl. I think it also gets stronger as the series goes on. Its interesting how they bring issues regarding superman into the show. I do not really know a lot of the characters within the show as I have not read the comics but its definatly a fun show. Its on some kind of break at the moment in the UK.


PSN: noodledreamz


Just started watching Marvel Agents of Shield. I have to say the show has grown and grown over the seasons and I enjoy now more than I did when it first started. But I prefer the name Sky to Daisy just a little thing lol

Enjoying Arrow but not sure why they decided to give Arrow short sleaves looks kind of strange.

Flash is good probably my favourite out of Arrow/Flash.

Watching Deutschland 83 great german drama with a good 80's soundtrack. Sometimes I forget how much good music came out of the 80's.


PSN: noodledreamz


@dryrain: Yeah I am really hoping that at some point they will connect it to the Arrowverse. I would love to see Felicity, Cisco and Winn get together lol. Nerd overload. Lol

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


Supergirl is pretty alright, but it just really hasn't hooked me as much as either Flash or Arrow.

The characters & everything are fine, I just think a "Superman" level superhero show is just too grand for the kind of budget network TV shows have. I find that all too often the special effects look a little too hoaky (when they're floating, you can tell to easily by they're positioning that they're being held by wires, almost like those Hong Kong martial arts movies when characters are jumping through the air). I really haven't had that same feeling about Flash or Arrow. Maybe if they made it one of those 13 episode season shows, they could allocate more budget to each particular episode, improving the effects.

Also, I felt that the world is too established. By the time she enters the game, the existence of superheroes (well, Superman anyways) & supervillains are well known by the general public, and there's already a well equipped government agency helping her to deal with it. I like it when the world sort of "grows up" with the hero, and that's something I feel like Flash & Arrow did/do better. Because of this, I don't want Supergirl to take place in the "Arrowverse". I know it's harder to do with Supergirl, since it's on a different network, but everything is integrated so well between Arrow & Flash (little nods, references, etc. between them & beyond), that it'd seem akward if they tried to shoehorn Supergirl in there (logically, references to Superman & his villains should already exist in Arrow & Flash, since he's already been revealed for a number of years before the start of Supergirl. Just shoehorning that show in there would betray the level of detail that the "Arrowverse" is usually crafted with).

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@RR529: Unfortunately due to WB wanting certain heroes for tv and certain ones for the movies Superman and his villains, like Lex Luther or Doomsday for example won't be mentioned during the DC TV shows. Heck they don't even show Superman's face. And some villains like Livewire for example they changed to be able to use in Supergirl without any refrences. So while I can see your point I don't think adding Supergirl to the Arrowverse would be that awkward.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


Tasuki wrote:

@RR529: Unfortunately due to WB wanting certain heroes for tv and certain ones for the movies Superman and his villains, like Lex Luther or Doomsday for example won't be mentioned during the DC TV shows. Heck they don't even show Superman's face. And some villains like Livewire for example they changed to be able to use in Supergirl without any refrences. So while I can see your point I don't think adding Supergirl to the Arrowverse would be that awkward.

I'm not saying that I think they should actually include Superman or his villains.

What I am saying is that in Supergirl, Superman (and some of his villains) has been active for years before the start of the show (and if in the "Arrowverse", likely sometime before the start of Arrow even).

Now, I obviously understand why Superman (and Supergirl) hasn't been referenced in either Arrow & Flash as of yet (they didn't know they'd be making Supergirl in the future during the first few seasons, and currently are being limited by Supergirl being on a different network).

However, let's say they get the go ahead to include Supergirl in the "Arrowverse" next season (hypothetically), now they have to find a good in-universe explanation as to why the mere existence of Superman hasn't as much been referenced in 4 entire seasons of Arrow, and 2 seasons of Flash (and the existence of Supergirl herself in their latest seasons, if we're to assume all 3 shows' current seasons are running alongside each other).

I'm not saying they should plaster Superman's face everywhere, but certainly the world's most famous superhero would at least make the bottom of the screen news ticker on the Starling City daily news every once in awhile, even with a mysterious hooded vigilante in their own back yard?

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@RR529: I think we misunderstood each other. Taking your example of the ticker saying something on the Star City news, you're right it could but with WB's restrictions they don't acknowledge Superman's presence in the DC TV universe unless they absolutely have to. By that fact I think they could make it work. Besides who says that they have to have anything about Superman on the Star City News, After dealing with Slades's Super Soliders, a hero in a nearby city that's quick as lightening not to mention a whole team of Superheroes (Legends of Tomorrow) would a Superman attract that much attention?

[Edited by Tasuki]

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


@tasuki Has legends of Tomorrow started yet in the the US?

Are there a good website that explains what charcters live in what universes?

I do like it when shows cross over but its a lot easier when its the same network. There was a good cross over with Chicago PD, Chicago Fire and Special Victims Unit. The problem was when I watched it the series are not all shown at the same time in the UK so the story did not work as well.

Did you see there might be a Watchmen TV series they are in talks at the moment. That could be a great series if it is done right I like the darker side which Watchmen potrays well.


PSN: noodledreamz


@dryrain: Yes Legends of Tomorrow did start in the US I just haven't had a chance to watch it yet. As to what charcters belong in what universe I am not sure what you are asking.

The 3 DC shows on The CW Network (Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow) as well as the NBC Show Constantine (which has been cancelled) All take place in the same universe, time etc in what fans have collectively called the Arrowverse, due to Arrow being the first show.

Now Supergirl is done by the same team that does the three CW shows (Arrow, Flash, Legends) but it's on a different network (CBS). Originally the team pitched the idea of Supergirl to the CW network but they passed on it, cause at the time they weren't sure how popular Superhero shows would be. Arrow just wrapped up its first season and Flash wasn't even started so they then pitched the idea to CBS who picked up the show. Now there have been rumors that Supergirl will be added to the Arrowverse at some point, then there have been rumors that it wont. The shows creators have stated that even if the network doesn't acknowledge it they consider Supergirl in the Arrowverse. So at this point it's up to you.

Now Gotham (the Batman show) is a stand alone series that has no ties to any of the other shows and is its own universe.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


Personally I watch Arrow, Flash, Supergirl and Gotham from the DC stable. Not sure about the Legends of Tomorrow but will give it a go when it airs in the UK. I also watch Agents of Shield, Agent Carter from Marvel as well as Stan Lees Lucky Man.

I also enjoy shows like Elementary (a take on Sherlock Holmes), Bones, Grimm, Extant, Sleepy Hollow, Penny Dreadful, the Originals, the 100, American Horror Story and just started watching From Dusk to Dawn and Killjoys too.

X-Files is back soon as well!!

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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Last night I watched Marco Polo: One Hundred Eyes (Netflix original)

It's a half hour side story that's sort of meant to tide us over until season 2 is ready. If you like the main show, you'll like this.

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So I watched the first two episodes of DC Legends of Tomorrow and I have to say I was really surprised by it. I was expecting another superhero flick like Arrow, Flash or even Supergirl but the whole sci-fi time traveling thing took me by surprised. It was a good surprise though and I am really enjoying it. I can't wait for the next episode.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


Just finished up watching Ninja: Shadow Warriors (Netflix).

It's a little hour long (well, 51 minute) documentary from the Smithsonian Channel that takes a look at the history of the ninja. It sort of breaks apart fact from fiction, they interview one of the last few people alive who still has the skills, and they detail how the Iga ninja defied the overwhelming power of Oda Nobunaga's army during the Sengoku Jidai (feudal era/warring states era). Pretty interesting stuff.

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Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Just finished watching Heartless its a supernatural drama from Finland its a good show only 8 episodes in length. If you are in the UK you can watch it through walter presents on All4


PSN: noodledreamz


Earlier today I watched Samurai: Headhunters (Netflix).

It's a 46 minute long documentary by The Smithsonian Channel that explores the history of the Samurai, and takes a look at what life may have been like for a foot soldier who earned their way to the position.

It's a really interesting watch, if (like me) you're into this sort of thing.

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PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


I was worried with the X-files coming back that it would not have the same spark and great writing of the original run. The series tailed off after season 5 for me but still enjoyed it till the end. I have enjoyed the new series and the jokes in episode 2 were really well done. There is still good chemistry between Mulder and Scully more so than in the original series. Its a shame they only did 6 episodes as opposed to the 13 that were originally planned but looks like the lead actors are keen to do more. As a fan I have enjoyed it coming back but not sure if I was a new viewer it would have impressed me as much.

Excited for Heroes Reborn coming back. The original series had its highs and lows. The first season was great second was good, third was meh then fourth was very strong. If they can recpature that magic of the first series I will be happy.

Channel 5 and its sisters channels in the UK seem to be good. I always saw 5 as the lowest of all the freeview channels but its getting a lot stronger with its line up of TV. But some things do annoy me like changing the times of a show or moving it to a new channel after a few episodes.


PSN: noodledreamz


TV rant time. I like that we get american shows here a lot sooner than we ever did before now the wait time can be just a few days or weeks. But the frustating part is mid season breaks in shows. You start to enjoy a show then it takes a few months break. Totally losing the momentum it builds up. I know this is an accepted practise in the US. But I would rather they delayed showing the program and gave it a straight run through without breaks than constantly stopping and starting.


PSN: noodledreamz

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