
Topic: The Chit Chat Thread

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@Malaise I only watch Friends Per Second podcast on youtube, Skill Up channel. you can listen to it as well on other platforms. I don't know where.
it's a gaming talk in general with good guests from time to time. Sam Lake, Ken Levine, Swen Vincke...
sometimes it feels too long but I like it for the tone and the hosts (Ralph and Jake). they are calm and funny with good opinions. nothing loud or crazy.

[Edited by CthulhuFhtagn]



Skill up is an obvious one who is also pretty balanced… Nate the Hate, Jeff Grub’s Game Mess, Last Stand Media, Kinda Funny Games, Friends Per Second, Minn Max, Easy Allies etc. If any others come to me I’ll tag you with those too.

**** DLC!


@Malaise Brap and Crossfire Podcast too… they’re deemed to be more PlayStation-centric but that’s only because they call out x-box a lot. Both hosts were originally Xbox stans but got fed up during the Xbox One era and branched out.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Man, you have a whole library going on. 😁 I'll definitely find something to like among that lot!



@Malaise that’s just the somewhat balanced stuff… hit me up when you wanna descend the rabbit hole and get a bit more filthy 😉

**** DLC!


Definitely Fextralife for previews and reviews.
I also like NakeyJakey. not a podcast or review channel but funny videos with good points. at least I think that he's funny.



Should have stated the channels I sometimes watch. For film analysis videos, I like to watch DazzReviews and occasionally Schafrillas Production, but I haven’t seen any of their videos in a few weeks.

DazzReviews is British, so he has some sardonic humor in his videos, and he mostly does film videos on animated films as well as some live-action films. However, his most entertaining videos are probably his TERRIBLE movies and shows series. I found the videos he does on bad animated movies the most hilarious ones of all.

Schaffrillas is kind of a more silly channel and he and his editors like to put in a lot of memes and jokes in his videos. He honestly does a good job at making insightful film reviews and making good points in his film analysis videos while having comedy in them. I know the comedic meme editing style in his videos won’t be for everyone and some might find it annoying, but the editing makes the videos entertaining and memorable for me. He also does do videos unrelated to films, like on video games, but I haven’t watched those a lot compared to his film and show videos. His DreamWorks videos are so fun in my opinion, and I also like the videos he does where he ranks media like films.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, squirrels, and sleeping.

Currently playing: Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! (Mobile) and Yo-Kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls (3DS)


@Pastellioli I can’t quite stand schaff, or most online-reviewer media in general. At least for movies. Why spend time 10-20 something minutes watching review of a film when said time could’ve been spent getting engrossed in the film itself. 20-30 is more than enough time to decide if you actually wanna see the film or walk out of the theater. Seems rather silly. I’m not sure if there’s really a place within the movie community for view bottlers and people attracting attention for youtube revenue regurgitating basic information and stealing your attention from actually watching the film for yourself because by the time you do so, you form an opinion you’re content with and feel no immediate need to reflect on it by listening to a complete stranger for no reason and giving them money. They thrive off that stuff. It’s better to let your thoughts marinate for a bit and discuss with friends, or just watch another movie. May I recommend Dude, Where’s my Car?

Guys like James Rolfe can be more meaningful to listen to due to their more unbiased and properly analytical approach that feels seasoned rather than amateurish. He’s more known for being the Angry Video Game Nerd, but I love his movie stuff too. Very insightful.

In other news… another week of this godawful motion sickness. Well at least it was 29 Celsius in kuwait so it wasn’t overtly hot, meaning I could actually rely on opening windows and shutting off the AC, but man.

We are playing 🎃👻Little Hope and Little Nightmares 2👻🎃


@Yousef- I do enjoy some of his videos, but I can understand your opinion on videos like that. I should have added that I rarely watch reviews on new movies that come out, since most new movies I am not interested in (not dismissing them as being bad, I just don’t have the urge to watch them since I don’t watch enough movies) and when Sonic 3 releases in a few more months, I am absolutely gonna be avoiding reviews and spoilers since I am super hyped for that movie, in fact, it’s the only 2024 movie I wanna see.

I do sometimes have an issue when there is a film reviewer that expresses their opinion and then a ton of people who haven’t seen the movie just go by that opinion without actually forming their own. I think I did accidentally do something like that when I was talking about JoJo to you on an NL thread when I really should have waited to watch the anime instead of saying all that nonsense. It also comes from the fact I watched a lot of JoJo videos years ago without having watched the anime or reading the manga, and I think that played a problem in what I said since I spouted a lot of opinions actual fans of JoJo said, and I only really had an interest in JoJo at the time.

Now looking at how misinformed I acted, I now think that if someone is going to watch an analysis video or review on a new movie or a piece of media, I think it’s best to have actually seen the movie before and formed your own opinion. I think if you have not watched the movie and you see the video, it can lead to you being super misinformed and expressing an opinion someone else had instead of having your own views and takes. I often see that a lot when a popular YouTuber gives a bad review on a new movie and fans regurgitating the same opinion even if they haven’t seen the movie. That’s why when I watch analysis videos, I prefer to watch ones on movies I have already seen and love, and seeing how other people see the films is kind of interesting to me, but I think I should spend my time on film videos on some other stuff or actually watching something, I am considering maybe trying to watch more anime soon or revisiting a few I saw years ago. I think that would be time better spent if I did that.

With film reviewers, I absolutely avoid the super biased ones since I find that some of them are one-sided with their opinions and takes, and they aren’t very helpful in my opinion.

Sorry to hear you have been having motion sickness. Is it usually cool in Kuwait? It was really breezy and cool here back in the final days of September, but it just got super hot all the sudden and the AC needs to stay on most of the time, but the windows have been opened up a bit more. It’s only really cool in the morning and in the nighttime. The heat makes me feel bleh, my head gets all itchy from the sun and it really is annoying. I always dread the summertime each year from how uncomfortable I am for three to four months.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, squirrels, and sleeping.

Currently playing: Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! (Mobile) and Yo-Kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls (3DS)


@Pastellioli late reply but no no you didn’t act misinformed at all. There was nothing wrong with how you acted at all. My opinion just happened to be different.

No I wouldn’t say “cool” it’s more like “AC-cool”, see think of it this way; your body can’t stand different heat shifts back to back. If you’re in a place that’s really hot then you suddenly move to a place thats really cold… well your body won’t like it per se. In fact, it’s gonna be mad… so mad, you might catch the ever so infamous “AC cold”, I definitely caught it a few times. A result of over exposure to cold ACs after spending a lengthy time under the sun. Bundle that with both stress AND unhealthy eating habits AND AND tons of driving because of work commutes and…. Weeeell…
You get the idea.


[Edited by Yousef-]

We are playing 🎃👻Little Hope and Little Nightmares 2👻🎃


@Yousef- But I think that it would have been best if I did actually watch the media in question before going and saying “heard it was unfaithful” and pretty much repeating the same opinions actual fans have said. It was an opinion I made on a piece of media I hadn’t really watched a lot of and also don’t know much about the characters. I kind of acted like those people who make scathing reviews or opinions on a popular piece of media without having watched it or understanding the media more. Kind of think I acted ignorant and dismissive.

I didn’t know about something called “AC cold.” Usually, even when the air is on, I am still very warm, hot and uncomfortable, so I think my body is very used to hot weather, and it’s maybe why I haven’t caught AC cold. The AC doesn’t really blast a ton, it turns on, occasionally goes off to save electricity, and goes back on when it needs to, though the AC in the stores is very, VERY strong and cooler than the one at home, but I only experience it for a few minutes.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, squirrels, and sleeping.

Currently playing: Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! (Mobile) and Yo-Kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls (3DS)


@Malaise For gaming podcasts, I personally really enjoy both Podquisition and Geekenders. I listen to both on a weekly basis for the latest news and games, and also because I simply like the people on them. Highly recommended if you wanna give some podcasts a shot.


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