Horizon Forbidden West, the superb open world sequel from Dutch developer Guerrilla, will be upgraded for PS5 Pro, as you’d anticipate. But according to the studio, writing on the PS Blog, it’s going to be able to “match or surpass” the base PS5 version’s quality mode at double the frame rate.
This is something system architect Mark Cerny talked about in his presentation; he said that 75% of users are choosing to enjoy higher frame rates on PS5, but some also want the graphical fidelity of modes that run at 30fps. The PS5 Pro has been designed to bridge that gap, offering the high frame rates of performance modes with the visual quality of fidelity modes.
“It’s good to point out that visual quality isn’t just about resolution, it’s about so much more,” studio director Jan-Bart van Beek explained. “There are many improvements to the Decima engine that are now made possible because of the rendering power of PS5 Pro. You’ll see improvement to shadows, depth-of-field, skin and hair shaders, clouds, god rays, and so much more. It’s pure eye candy at race car levels of performance. We hope you enjoy it.”
It's worth noting that Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered will also be upgraded for PS5 Pro when it launches, “delivering ultra-high fidelity at blazing fast frame rates”. There’s lots to look forward to from Guerrilla’s open world outings, then.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 40
Utilising the power of the Pro's extra stripes to go faster I see.
This is one that the difference will be great because it already was able to run at a very high frame rate. With PSSR you're probably getting AI upscaled 4K/120 with this title.
People can say what they like about Horizon, but Forbidden West has been consistently impressive in terms of technical optimization. Simultaneously runs solid on PS4 and is also one of the nicest-looking games on PS5/Pro.
I love when Horizon games come out, because chances are an amazing game that you’re better off playing is releasing at the same time!
@Ralizah correct. I played it on the 120hz mode. Getting 90+ and it looked stunning. Can't imagine how great it'll look now
Wow, still trying to sell a last gen game as a technical marvel...
Excellent, with that extra detail Aloy will be looking like William Montgomery
I got about 10 hours in. Never felt less playing a game, just absolute middle of the road. Looked nice though!
Gorgeous game, but I'm still not buying a 5Pro.
@Chupa_loyzer Forbidden West is last-gen?
Horizon Forbidden West on PS5 Pro Is 'Pure Eye Candy at Race Car Levels of Performance'
That's nice 😃 Do i want a pro? No, keep trying though Push Square 😉
@ButterySmooth30FPS Anything that also comes out for the PS4 is a last gen game.
@LifeGirl Interesting goalpost move
It will run even better on the PS6 and by that time i actually want to replay it.
@WizzNL You’re probably onto something there, if a game’s that long then you won’t be in a mood to replay it just for a visual boost. That leaves people playing it for the first time but it’s still one of the few first party PS5 games and you have to imagine the group of people that will buy a PS5 Pro and haven’t played this game will be pretty small.
@ButterySmooth30FPS If it can run on a last gen console then it is a last gen game. That is literally how that works.
Why do you think that the PS5 is such a disappointment to so many people? Especially to those who are old enough to remember when ''next gen'' actually meant something?
Why are we still having articles pretending that the PS5 Pro enables all new functionality in a game that already has a PC version that already has access to much better features than even the Pro can handle? The pro is merely getting "closer" to a version of the game that's already been out for a while, and it won't be until PS6 that it can match it. If that.
@LifeGirl @ButterySmooth30FPS It was literally designed for PS4 as the primary platform, directly stated by Guerilla. If "Made for PS4" isn't "last gen", then all these remasters are even more pointless than believed. They're all current gen already!
@LifeGirl People are disappointed because they're neurotic. They should be spending money on therapy instead of video games.
Forbidden West looked fantastic on PS5. The art direction and environments were top notch.
Looked even better when I played some of the expansion on PC.
The graphics were fantastic and arguably only part of the game that needed no extra work, everything else was crushingly dull. Easily my biggest PS disappointment.
Pro preorders in UK open at 10am, u r welcome
This site is rapidly losing credibility as it publishes all these gushing, uncritical PS5 Pro articles day in and day out. This isn't even a news article, you're just regurgitating what's on the PS Blog.
I can watch the borderlands movie in 4k with 5.1 surround sound. Still doesn't make it a good film.
Tech specs can't make an average game good.
HFW is the caricature of games where all the budget went into the computer graphics department and nothing was left to hire an author to write a story and do some character development. You can put all the technology in the world with AI and Quantum computing, it will still be a boring and poorly written game.
Race car levels of performance? Give me a break…
@nessisonett I had a similar experience. Got 2 hours in zero dawn on PC and just got bored. But I will second the opinion it looked quite nice. Really well optimized too.
@jrt87 the story of Forbidden West is awesome. I really don't get the hate. It's totally unpredictable and it's well written. I really liked it.
Even if it was running in 8K 240fps, it would still be the same boring game.
The only game I've seen, so far, that looks MUCH better, is FF VII Rebirth.
In Sweden, the Pro sells at equal to $1000...
I need something much more exciting than this, to pay that money for a console.
@Ralizah Exactly. The Performance mode was a bit of a mess when it first came out, with a bunch of shimmering going on that ruined the look of the game. Once they ironed that out though, it was a beautiful game regardless of what mode you played it on. At least they fixed it, unlike Square Enix with FF16 and especially Rebirth.
The thing is, and I'm sure it will look ridiculous, but $700-$810 (Pro+Disc Drive+Stand) better? I dunno about that.
@KilloWertz It's a lot to pay for any console, let alone a mid-gen upgrade. I mean, realistically, how many years before PS6 comes to market?
But if you're an enthusiast and dropping $700+ on a console you'll be using for hundreds or thousands of hours isn't that big of a sacrifice, I can see getting it.
Even if I had a PS5 of any stripe, though, as someone who also played it twice, I'm not really in the mood to revisit it again just to enjoy higher visual fidelity and... re-recorded mocaps, lol.
@ButterySmooth30FPS That is quite literally the dumbest thing i've heard in weeks. And considering that ''in weeks'' includes Donald Trump claiming that immigrants are eating pets that is an achievement.
I'm confused. Can't we just play the remaster on base PS5? If it's just fps difference, then I simply don't care about that.
@Ralizah I agree I found the game so boring but credit where credit is due it looks and runs fantastic
Literally none of the graphics performance is worth £800 for a console.
Not worth it for cute images. Would rather spend 700 on PS6.
@KilloWertz Rebirth's performance mode gets a lot of hate but tbh it works way better than FF16 - it runs constantly at 60fps - a thing FF16 never does in any of its graphic modes.
@Nei Fair enough for a frame rate comparison, but there's still no excuse why it's such a blurry mess in Performance mode. I know it's a cross-gen title, but when I can put in Remake and it looks a lot better than Rebirth does in Performance mode, something isn't right. I shouldn't have to buy a $700 console to get it to look the way it's supposed to. A drop in graphics quality in Performance mode is expected, but not like that.
@KilloWertz Well, performance mode should be stable and they achieved it.
As for the whole graphic debate, much have been said and written but Rebirth is visually much more striking, imposing and ambitious than Remake: it's a full world with huge environments and open areas vs a series of corridors ands confined locations.
I was constantly amazed it could run with that grade of visual fidelity at that scale: it's pretty magical tbh and it hit me with a sense of technical wonderment and awe I had missed in JRPGs since the early days of the 32-bit era. It's the rare game I decided to play at 30fps but when I occasionally switched to 60fps for the occasional challenging fight, I was glad it was actually something smooth and not as choppy as the performance mode of FF16.
Now don't get me wrong, ff16 is a looker and it compromises less in performance mode...but what's the point if the frame rate isn't even stable? This is the other rare game I played at 30fps, but just because the performance mode was inconsistent. Sorry for the wall of text, my friend.
@Nei You're fine. I can go on quite a rant at times, so no big deal.
You are not wrong about Rebirth, but I still put the issues with the game's Performance mode on the developers and not the hardware.
In Fidelity mode, it is indeed a great looking game. Luckily the characters move "heavy" enough that playing it in 30 FPS wasn't a big deal as they wouldn't have moved that much differently in 60. Obviously I still would've preferred to play it in 60 regardless, but it was still enjoyable at 30.
I played FF16 at 30 FPS as well. It is amazing that it wasn't optimized properly either, but as usual that falls back on the developers/game engine and not the hardware. It was designed to be played at 30 FPS at least, so again, it was still enjoyable to play that way.
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