
Topic: Games you've recently beat

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@Malaise I didn't have any issues with the LittleBigPlanet games, but the story modes in those games felt like an afterthought while Sackboy feels more tailor-made. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing another 2D LittleBigPlanet. Perhaps Sony will add the PSP LBP game on PS5 as I haven't played that one yet!

Just finished Condemned: Criminal Origins on Series X. Absolutely phenomenal horror game! It nails pretty much every aspect of a horror game. The scare factor was good, the sound design was sublime and would constantly make me feel unease, the melee combat was simple but super fun, the difficulty was spot on (played it on Normal) as the game gives you plenty of health and the story was interesting. It reminds me of an early 2000s TV show (I actually started watching the crime drama The Wire now because of this game). All in all, fantastic horror game and I can't believe it came out in 2005. Almost 20 years ago! It holds up very well today, I highly recommend it.



@LtSarge Oh, I remember Condemned! A Sega game, wasn't it? It looked excellent for the time and had superb atmosphere. Wow, I'd completely forgotten about that. Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the nostalgia!



@Malaise That's right! The graphics are a bit rough today but they didn't affect my experience of the game. But yeah, I've also heard that it looked great at the time.



Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II - not a patch on the original but it was worth a play. The only thing I can think of is that Lucasfilm were already deep into negotiations with Disney at the time to buy the Star Wars rights… as there just seemed to be very little effort put into the game. Luckily it still plays well… as the mechanics were already fully developed from the original. Seemed significantly shorter, levels were narrower and the combat less varied. Still, I really like Starkiller as a character, he’s 10x the character of half of the new lot Disney introduced.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@LtSarge Condemned Criminal Origins is one of my all time favorite games. I have many fond memories of it, specifically how I got an Xbox 360 and the game in the first place. I was a freshman in high school, and my family never really had money, so vacations and getting gifts was hardly a thing. My mom used to pick me up from school every day, and I remember getting in the car and she told me to look in the glovebox. When I opened it up there was Perfect Dark Zero and Condemned Criminal Origins. I was absolutely shocked, and freaking out. When we got home, my mom already had the Xbox 360 set up in my room with Call of Duty 2 on the start screen. How my mother managed to afford the console and those three games is beyond me, but it’s a memory I’ll never forget.

Anyway, Condemned Criminal Origins is top tier, and those mannequins in the mall still haunt me to this day. That’s the gist of this long reply. Lol.



@Kraven That's such a nice story! It's when you least expect a gift that makes it that much sweeter when you receive one.

[Edited by LtSarge]



@Kraven Great story dude, made me feel all nice and fuzzy inside!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Unleashed difficulty done on Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, so just the two mop-up trophies left… one for a very involved kill (looks like I have to use every single move available on one enemy) and another for using every combo. I’ll try and get them done too before starting Dead Space 3.

**** DLC!


Finally finished The Witcher 3 and 262 hours of play time gave me the platinum for the base game and I also finished both DLCs. It is astonishing how well crafted this game felt; such an insane amount of meaningful content. Sure, there are activities that get tedious and repetitive, but it took me a long time before I started ignoring loot quests and I kept up with secondary quests and contracts until the very end of Blood & Wine (which was phenomenal, by the way). I loved that it ended with the missus coming to the vineyard and all was calm (I'm probably one of the few who romanced Triss... got a thing for redheads).
The voice acting was a bit uneven, though, especially the NPC chatter... some of them really grated and got under my skin. The main cast and most of the secondary characters were pretty decent, though there were two standouts for me: Zoltan and Regis. The voice actors for those two characters managed to breathe so much life into them that every scene and every dialogue was pure joy.

Now I shall turn my attention to some shorter and more focused experiences, starting with Until Then



@FuriousMachine What a game. You've rekindled some awesome memories with that. I almost never used to replay games, but I've found myself doing it more and more in recent years. It's almost as if what a lot of modern gaming has to offer is of little interest to me. 🤔😅 Back onto the list you go, Geralt.

I read Until Then, thought Until Dawn, and still had to do a double take. 😂 Until Then does look interesting!



@Malaise Yeah, it's a spectacularly good game and arguably one of the best of its type. It absolutely deserved all the accolades it received. I also think Blood & Wine is one of the best expansions I've ever played. I was feeling slightly fatigued at the point where I started it and it refreshed me and I can't remember a single game that managed to bring me back after I've started to tire of it. Unfortunately, I did rush through it a bit towards the end and I think my experience with it would have been better if there had been a break between the base game and the DLC, like I would have if I'd played it at release. I think this is one of the few games I would have picked up again after a solid break (I'm typically bad at that, which is why I endeavor to focus almost exclusively on one game at a time and play it until I'm done, either by finishing it or tiring of it).



Secret Agent Clank

I really wanted to like this more then I did but by god was it infuriating by the end. I'd rather play the 2016 remake a hundred times over then touch this again.

Makes Size Matters look like a grand ol' time in comparison!

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@Yousef- SAC is bottom of the bottom? Shirly it is at the other end?

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I just finished TLoZ: Echoes of Wisdom. It was a phenomenal game from start to finish. I managed to get all of the echoes, stamps, and side quests complete. The last two dungeons were pretty challenging, and the final boss was great and intense. With that said, I have a few nitpicks about the final boss fight that I won’t share here due to spoilers, but nonetheless it was a fantastic experience overall.

I’m going to start Silent Hill 2 Remake later this evening when I get off work. This will be my first ever Silent Hill game so I’m very excited.


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