
Topic: Games you've recently beat

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Unashamed_116 wrote:

@Splat: I'm about halfway through at the moment, and I'm loving it. I hear a lot about how it doesn't hold up that well, but I'm actually pleasantly surprised at how good it feels to play after all these years! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to replaying Uncharted 2 more, but the original is excellent too, and a really well done remaster.

Yep, Uncharted 2 was all ready a classic in my book so excited to play it again. That said probably going to wait till after The Witcher DLC to play it.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


Finished up Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (360) last night!

It's not a must play, but it's a very solid shooter, with some very memorable bosses, and the mechs are good fun once you get to grips with them. Surprisingly challenging as well.

The final boss was needlessly difficult, though. I won't spoil anything story wise, but it's the only aerial fight in the game (meaning you have to fight it while getting to grips with a new control scheme), and you have to finish it off with a specific attack, which the game never tells you (on multiple occasions I died because I let my guard down after completely draining it's health, and yet it still went on fighting).

Still, it's a solid shooter, and you might want to look into it if you like these kinds of games.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Beat a few things this last week or so:

Super Meat Boy (Light Worlds) - really enjoyed this game, although I'm struggling with some of the Dark World levels. Might switch to playing on the PS4 to see if that helps.
Kung Fu Rabbit - this was really difficult to go on to playing straight after SMB. It's so damn slow, floaty and imprecise by comparison, with some terrible collision detection at times, which in the end led to me feeling like I'd had more "unfair" deaths here than in SMB!
Metal Slug 3 - just as awesome now as it was 15 years ago
KickBeat - a neat idea but I thought pretty poorly executed, and I had no real interest in the story at all. Shame that the second character story mode doesn't seem to be any different from the first as well.
LittleBigPlanet Vita - first time playing the story mode of a LBP through to completion, and I really enjoyed it! Starting to get stuck in to the tutorials to see if I can create myself a gaming masterpiece (not likely...)
Tales from the Borderlands (Episodes 1-3) - loving this so far, and can't wait to wrap up the story later this week when episode 5 releases. Easily on a par with TWAO, and while I'm not sure it's quite hit the highs of TWD:S1 (not played S2 yet), I definitely think the pacing is much better and it's nice to play a game with a well-judged sense of humour.

Been a busy week, as being on holiday gave me a little more time than usual to get some gaming in! Still got a backlog a mile long, but every little helps

From 16/08/15 I’m going for sober for six months to raise money for the Princess Alice Hospice. Donations can be made here and anything you can offer is greatly appreciated:

Wish me luck!


PSN: SteveButler2210


Beat Uncharted 1 and 2 and almost done with 3. I've been reminded playing through the collection why 3 is easily my least favorite in this series. The amount of annoying bullet sponge enemies they throw at you is absurd. I really hope they don't go down this same route with 4.



Beat Suikoden 1 last night. Very good game, really enjoyed and would recommend it to any JRPG fan, it's available for €5 on the PS store and is definately worth a shout nice pixel graphics, good soundtrack and some cool characters involved as well


PSN: Duke-of-Styria


@Hego: I've played through 1 before, and love it - bit dated but still a classic! Grabbed 1 and 2 while they were on sale recently, so hopefully will find time to play them again some time soon

From 16/08/15 I’m going for sober for six months to raise money for the Princess Alice Hospice. Donations can be made here and anything you can offer is greatly appreciated:

Wish me luck!


PSN: SteveButler2210


@SteveButler2210: Ya picked up two when it came out as well so I'll play through that at some point as well, heard it's actually better than the first game so looking forward to that BTW you were right about Neclord's castle, it's probably the coolest place in the game it's got a real Castlevania vibe to it which I guess is no surprise considering there both Konami games


PSN: Duke-of-Styria


@SteveButler2210: Fancy a metal slug online run? Throw the lives to 99 and we should blitz it.

I've just finished unchartered 1, good game. Cant see myself wanting to play on hard or crushing though the shooting is terrible. Tonight Alex kidd in miracle world - such a hard game, I used a lot of spot saves, the latter levels would of been impossible on the master system.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


I just beat Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition. It was a great game. Now to start playing Bloody Palace or as Lady/Trish or Vergil. They sure did a put a lot of effort into this remaster. Content wise, they've probably done the most I've ever seen by adding 3 playable characters. Two of which, have never been playable in the series.



Last week I beat Danganronpa 1 on the PS Vita, really good game, very quirky but I loved it, I'd recommend it to anyone that has a vita who wants to try something different. Have the second game sitting in my download list too so I'll get round to that at some point to!


PSN: Duke-of-Styria


I did a playthrough the other day of Batman Returns on the SNES and beat it. I have beaten this game alot of times before this but it's just so much fun to go back to again. Still my favorite Batman video game of all time.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


I recently beat Final Fantasy IX (the first FF I've beaten!) and Nihilumbra. Final Fantasy was very good but I don't think I have the same love for the franchise as other people do, they're good games to me, just not great games. Vivi has become one of my favourite characters though I will say that. Nihilumbra is a pretty good platformer with a nice aesthetic, it's also pretty short


PSN: Duke-of-Styria


@Hego: To be fair - ff9 was released 16 years ago and a lot of the gameplay tropes and beats have been updated and improved in other games and franchises. Well done for completing it, its not too easy. The whole point of FF in the ps1 days was the amount of things you could do, bear in mind we were still playing crash, tekken and destruction derby and as good as they were they had no real longevity in single player. But I understand that they have aged badly, especially the story telling and slow pace for long sections.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


Finished Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (via Nate Drake Collection) the other day, thoroughly enjoyed playing it again. Just Uncharted 3 to go before the grand finale drops in April.


PSN: Quintumply | Twitter:


@themcnoisy: Ya think my problem is I didn't play them at the appropriate time, I can see why people would love them but Ya ie just been spoilt my modern day improvements and conveniences, playing FF VII and IX has made me really appreciate quest logs and detailed world maps!


PSN: Duke-of-Styria


Finished Gravity Rush on Vita today- great game, would highly recommend it to anyone, it's not too long at roughly 10 hours so it won't soak up your gaming time either!


PSN: Duke-of-Styria


I finished Dying Light few days ago and now I'm playing The Following. In real life I hate cars and traffic and I use my bicycle even when it's snowing but with this game I'm taking care of my virtual buggy has a psyco. I'd wish there were a pet button...

[Edited by andreoni79]

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday star



Helldivers. Thinking of getting to Rank 30 just for the armors, though.

Huntin' monsters erryday.


Gravity Rush Remastered


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