When Bleach: Rebirth of Souls was first announced as an arena fighter, we had our concerns. Anime-based brawlers have been so hit and miss over the years that we couldn't help but question the direction — especially when it comes to such a beloved franchise like Bleach, which has been out of the spotlight for so long.

Thankfully, we've been handed a whopping 25 minutes of raw gameplay footage — and the game actually looks pretty damn promising. Taken from a recent developer stream (thanks PS360HD2), the showcase covers Ichigo, Yoruichi, Rukia, Byakuya, and Gin.

The visual style's spot on — especially with all of the bold text overlays — and the animations look crisp and punchy. Granted, there's a lot going on and some of it can be hard to keep up with, but we're sure that'll be much less of an issue when you're actually playing.

At this point, our only concern is to do with how often fights seem to stop and start, with characters unleashing round-ending special moves and transformations multiple times in one match. These cinematic sequences aren't particularly short, and the worry is that the game's pacing will be thrown off.

Still, Rebirth of Souls is looking good overall. Are you impressed with this footage? Never give up in the comments section below.

What do you think of Bleach: Rebirth of Souls so far? (99 votes)

  1. It looks awesome53%
  2. It looks good23%
  3. Hmmm, I need to see more11%
  4. It looks disappointing11%
  5. It looks terrible2%